By Nawaf Haskan Throughout Iraqi Kurdistan, journalists currently face violence for reporting on sensitive issues, such as ...
By Janine Warner Digital media startups in Latin America are becoming increasingly important and credible news sources, and...
The dismal state of press freedom in Turkey is now incontrovertible. Report after report has documented the growing numbers...
By Raul Peñaranda U. In February 2016, the independent Bolivian news agency ANF, where I work as managing editor, revea...
By Nicholas Benequista and Kate Musgrave Those who provide support to the development of media around the world have occupi...
By Aleksander Dardeli, Executive Vice President of IREX Information may be the world’s most valuable asset. Indeed, it i...
By Dietlind Lerner The statistics are frightening: According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer, trust in media stands at ...
By Corinne Cath and Daniel O’Maley Sometimes a simple paragraph of computer code can help media developers fight onli...
By Elie Smith The Internet has been turned off for more than 80 days in parts of the West African country of Cameroon. And ...