Online Violence against Women: In Whose Hands Ar...
By Lourdes Walusala A couple of years ago, I lost my first child due to a pregnancy-related complication. This experience ignited my passion for advocating for maternal health, and so I started producing health programs on the radio. I also threw myself into blogging to reach wider audiences with in... |
Fomentando la Sustentabilidad de los Medios: Lec...
Por CIMA Staff Para la versión en inglés, consulte aquí. El Center for International Media Assistance se ha enfocado durante mucho tiempo en promover la sustentabilidad de los medios independientes en todo el mundo como uno de sus valores fundamentales y áreas de actividad. Un proyecto llamad... |
Fostering Media Sustainability: Lessons Learned ...
By CIMA Staff For the Spanish version, see here. The Center for International Media Assistance has long focused on promoting the sustainability of independent media worldwide as one of its core values and areas of activity. A current project called Velocidad serves as a clear example of efforts by ... |
“Television and the Afghan Culture Wars:...
By Noah Arjomand In August 2021, the Taliban upended two decades of international media development efforts in Afghanistan. Both the press and the entertainment industry had been relative success stories amid an otherwise bleak landscape of a corrupt and ineffective donor-dependent state and persist... |